Wednesday, August 5, 2009

November 25, 2006 - Travel Update 8 - VietNam

Hello folks, it has been a few days sionce I have been in touch with you all.
I made it here to saigon (HCM City) this afternoon from bkk. The flight was fast, just one hour and it was uneventful......until I got to the airport terminal. Once made ith through customs....which took a bit of time because the agent must have thought I was some sort of criminal, I made it to the taxi stand. I had read in advance about how to get in the city and who to look for as scam artists...little did I guess it would be the largest airline in the country that appears to be the worst offender. I went to rthe counter and asked to get intop the city. They quoted me a price of 10 USD. Two seconds later they realized that the price went up to 12 USD. Hmmm, the red flag went up from there. The price was far to high and they seem to be able to change it at will. They realized I was traveling alone and needed to make up some more money for the ride into the city. It took no more than about 25 freightning minutes to get to the area where I wanted to be.
I have never seen so may motor bikes on a street before. I was amazed that the taxi driver did not kill someone during the trip.. People on bikes just take it all in stride I guess...The horns blarring and headlight flashing seem to be the order of the day here. I had to close my eyesduring most of the ride for fear od seeing a major crime int he making. I could iamgine hundreds of folks being run over and no one owuld be the wiser because there are just too many vehicles on the road.
So I made it to District 1. I found a place to change the one humdred dollar bill got me 16 million VND. One would think they should just adjust the currency and take a few zeros off the bills.......I was not sure what to do with all of that money. I did realize that few things costed less than 50,000......unless you want food in which case it is pretty cheap. I have only been here a few hours and I am already tired. I think it is a combination of the heat, humidity and the number of people. This place is crowded to the max!!!
One think that was a stand out for me is the number of black folks here. I am guessing that many are african but i am not certain. Since I left the statres three weeks plus abo I have not seen so much color. Just an observation.
Before I arrived I did not have a confirmed hjotel reservation. I thought it would be easy enough to get a place once i got here. Welll, yes and no. I did finally find a place for ...get this $6 USD pernight. Well, first let me say that this is the one and only night i am staying in this place. There is only a fan in the room. and it is on the fourth floor with no elevator and there is no hot water...not that I would need any here. Tomorrow I will meet with with some folks I chatted with on;ine and our first task will be finding a hotel that is a bit more appropriate. I feellike i am back in college.
I will find a restaurant to get something to eat soon. I am getting hungry. Tomorrow I will also plan the sightseeing itenary for the next few days. I did see some information about cooking demonstrations which would really be right up my alley. I will see if i can work that into the schedule.
Well, enough for now...I am going to hit the streets, and hope i make it back to my hotel without getting run over by a car, van, bus and motor bike......Anyone taking odds on this one????
Further updates coming soon.
HUGS to all...I trust everyone had a pleasant thanksgiving and contributed to the economy on Black Friday...I know Ina did...she may have spent enough for you all...
Bye for now....

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